Data Destruction

Most people don’t realize just how much Personal Data they have on their computers. Besides the obvious data we think about; Pictures, Videos, Tax Returns, Bank Statements, etc. There are many other types of Personal Data; Credit Card Numbers, Social Security Numbers, Bank Account Info, Addresses, Contacts, Usernames, Passwords, Proprietary  Information, etc. All of this data has the potential to be extracted form Cookies, Temporary Internet Files, Caches, Backups, and Forgotten Files/Folders. While simply deleting all of the files that contain your Personal Data is a good start, there is still risk. Just because you deleted a file does not mean it has been erased from the Hard Drive. There are some free and relatively inexpensive programs that can recover deleted files. Because of this, you should never donate, give away, recycle, or dispose of any hard drive or memory stick without first properly destructing the data.

We offer 4 different levels of Data Destruction.


Level 1: Bare Minimum – $20*

This option writes a single pass of zeros over the entire disk. It erases the information used to access your files and writes over the data 1 time.


Level 2: Recommended – $30*

This option is DOE-compliant 3-pass secure erase. It writes two passes of random data followed by a single pass of known data over the entire disk. It erases the information used to access your files and writes over the data 3 times.


Level 3: DOD Erase – $45*

This option meets the US Department of Defense (DOD) 5220-22M standard for securely erasing magnetic media. It erases the information used to access your files and writes over the data 7 times.


Level 4: Physical Destruction – $50**

We completely disassemble the drive and render the parts that contain data unusable.


*Receive a $5 discount if you have a current Service Plan.

**Receive a $5 discount or use 1 hour from you Service Plan if you have a current Service Plan.